Don McRae
Jamie Fry
Gary Schaffer
Theresa Schaffer
Karen Hillier
Marlene Bishop
Henry Biletski
Brenda Fry
Lloyd Massier
Marilyn Nagel
Ronald Off
Donna Doran
Betty Gerrard-Hubick
Pete Hubick
The executive committee includes the President, (Past President), Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. This committee meets before each board meeting (if needed) and takes care of many of the house keeping duties for the SSCC.
The social committee takes on the role of planning community activities such as the annual golf tournament.
The fundraising committee plans all community fundraising events such as: A Take out Christmas Turkey Dinner.
This Finance & Audit Committee is the financial watchdog of the SSCC. The people on this committee look over all the financial reports to make sure that money is being spent in the best possible way. At the beginning of our year, they are responsible to put a budget together. The budget is then brought to a board meeting for approval. Before each Board Meeting, this committee will meet to look over all the finances and get a report ready to present at the meeting. This committee will meet regularly.
The mandate of this committee is to review the Bylaws annually, and to prepare amendments as required, to review governance issues that are raised by the Board, and to have oversight of the policies and procedures of SSCC. The vice-president chairs this committee.
The past president is the chair of this committee. All nominations must be forwarded to him/her. The SSCC has an elected board that consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 10 Board Members. The members are elected for a 2 year term. Upon prior approval of nomination by a member organization, an individual is eligible to stand for election as an officer or director at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations must be received by the Nomination Committee at least 30 days prior to the AGM.
Led by the past president each year, this committee is responsible to receive nominations for the executive & director positions on the SSCC Board. Nomination forms are made available to all members.